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Image by Sunguk Kim

Silenced Stories

In Memory of Alan and Nicolás


Alan and Nicolás are two young men who fled from the violence of the extreme right and police brutality in Colombia. They arrived in Germany to save their lives, seek asylum, and start anew, but due to different circumstances, their lives ended too soon. We want to keep their memory alive by paying them a small tribute through a mural. Here, you can see the process of it and various sources that tell their stories.



Wo sind die Verschwundenen des Generalstreiks? Protestaktion in Berlin (Foto: Unidas por la paz – Alemania)

Nicolás Castellanos, a protester who had to leave Colombia days earlier to safeguard his life. Nicolás was one of nearly 400 young people who were disappeared for several days in early May 2021...

Taken from Two years after the national strike in Colombia Chronicle of a victim of state violence who died in Germany June 14, 2023


A young Alan Garzón dared to join the protest wearing a shirt that said "No to Duque and Uribe's war". However, his protest was questioned by several followers of uribism, and he was even threatened by an elderly person who said to him: "Take off that shirt or we'll strip you."

Taken from "They made a business out of the 'No to Duque and Uribe's war' shirt and now they sell it even at traffic lights" January 23, 2019,


Tomada de En Medellín insultaron a joven que llevaba camisa contra Uribe. Foto: Isabel Escobar(Thot)

Written by Alan



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